Jan 23, 2013

Old photo frame to Jewellery storage/ display! & tutorial.

Once upon a time I went to the markets and bought a box of old photo frames.

Why I did not know at the time but I thought I could use them for something. After owning them for at least a year I have finally started doing something with them.

JEWELLERY DISPLAYS. Because indeed my necklaces and earrings should not be hidden in drawers. They should be proudly on show for anyone who visits the house to see. Again, partner would not agree. :)

So just a quick tutorial on how to make your own.

You need the following: 

- old frame, (repainted, wrapped in fabric. Whatever you feel).
Mine was a brown and gold frame, I painted it English Rose pink and distressed it a bit.

- staple gun, with staples (LOVE this little gadget)

- wool/yarn in whatever colour you want. I went matching because I had never used that one before.

- basic understanding of crochet and a 7.5 mm hook.

Step 1:
Grab the frame and remove the innards of the frame (glass and backing), keep for some sort of future project. I'm sure there's something for glass bits on google!

Stapled to inner lip of frame
Step 2: 
Get the crochet hook to work on the yarn and make a chain that when stretched a little is the width of the inside of the frame.

Step 3: 
Turn the work around and single crochet a rectangle that will fit snuggly in the frame space.

Step 4: 
Get the beautiful staple gun out and attach the crochet rectangle to the underside of the frame. The rectangle should be a little taught but not stretched to the max.

I stapled my rectangle to the inner piece where the glass and backing usually sit.

It's not perfect crochet work, but I don't think it needs to be :)
Step 5: 
Staple gun to the back some hanging wire (I used some string that was lying around the house).

Step 6:
Hang it on a wall with all your amazing earrings, pour a cup of tea, grab a chair, sit back and admire your amazingness. I know I did.

Finished product on the right. The one on the left: I stapled fabric to the back twisted some spray painted hooks to the top and voila necklaces and earrings on show! 

Finished Lalka Designs original is on the right.

Retro Side board to Ice-Cream Tv cabinet update.

So I have finished painting up the below sideboard. See it in it's full yellow wood glory, delightful dark blue velvet contact inside. I had already started taking it apart (no handles, no glass) in the picture, but you will see the finished product in a future post once I find the 3rd handle for the cabinet (I put it in a special place and can't seem to find that special place now that the jobs done grrrr). The picture above is a bit of a teaser. It's the internal cabinet door. Partner would have sighed terribly if I had it all my way and painted the ice-cream on the front. He already puts up with a lot of my colour obsessions. :D I will now run away and try and find that elusive third handle! Amstar up and away!!!!!